Can you cure hemorrhoids naturally or not? That is, (excuse the pun), the burning question, and I am pleased to answer quite emphatically that YES YOU CAN!
One of the problems with hemorrhoids is that they are not exactly the sort of debate you want to hold across the dinner table; in actual fact most people are just too embarrassed to talk to anyone about them any time, anywhere; even their doctor. A bleeding hemorrhoid is even worse from an embarrassment point of view. If someone other than yourself is washing your clothes, it's a bit of a give away. But cure hemorrhoids you can, and naturally too; and in this article I will go through the facts of the matter with you.
There's normally nothing mystical or even worrying about the cause of hemorrhoids; 99 times out of a hundred they are caused by either diet; posture, or sedentary behavior. By posture, or sedentary behavior I am referring to situations at work that may requite you to sit or stand for lengthy periods o time, (either can have adverse effects), or if you are too inactive, (a) because of a disability or illness, or (b), you may simply be a couch potato. Any of these factors can cause a hemorrhoid to form whether it is a bleeding hemorrhoid or not. But regardless, you can cure hemorrhoids naturally.
A hemorrhoid is a vein that becomes swollen around the anal area. Basically there are 2 types of hemorrhoid - internal and external. The internal hemorrhoid forms when internal veins become swollen, and the external when the external veins (around the anal area) become swollen. An internal hemorrhoid can become distended and reach through to the outer anus. Typically the only sign that you may have the internal variety is when blood appears on the toilet paper or coats your stools. But a bleeding hemorrhoid can be either internal or external. An external hemorrhoid can become a bleeding hemorrhoid simply through the action of using toilet paper, or straining too enthusiastically. It is when blood clots form in hemorrhoids that they can become severely painful.
In a few cases you actually don't need to cure hemorrhoids because they simply disappear unaided after a matter of days. However they are very often more persistent, and can become chronic which is when a cure in needed.
Cures usually take 2 forms:
1. Over the Counter
· Creams and ointments
· Suppositories
· Pills to regulate blood pressure to the area.
2. Cryotherapy or Surgery for the very worst-case scenarios.
If you or someone you know suffers from hemorrhoids, then you are probably already aware of all of this. In many cases, people go to great lengths to try and cure hemorrhoids and often give into radical treatments before looking at far less invasive options. It all depends on the individual case and what you can tolerate. But be aware that natural cures normally target the causes of hemorrhoids rather than tackle the symptoms. Usually, all it takes are some small changes in habits and a natural preparation to cure your hemorrhoids.
As someone who suffered from hemorrhoids, I always suggest trying the non-invasive options first, and you too should consider alternative natural remedies long before considering quick-fix (but painful recovery) surgery.
Holly Hayden is an independent expert on curing hemorrhoids 100% naturally
using the little-known fast system called "The H Miracle". You can get a free
sample and get your Free "What 95% of Hemorrhoid Sufferers Don't Know..."
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